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Join hands with Creative Package to create a new chapter in the plastic preform industry

In this ever-changing business era, Creative Package has always been at the forefront of the plastic preform industry, winning wide acclaim from global customers, including our valued UAE partners, with its excellent product quality, professional design and packaging team, and flexible customization services.

4 July, 2024

Do you consider these 5 points when choosing a glass jar?

We know how difficult it can be to choose a jar among all the different sizes, styles and shapes. So we have included five essential tips that you can include in your checklist to help you select jars for your needs.

26 June, 2024

Glass jars or plastic containers, Which is the better choice?

Glass jars are an excellent solution for storing numerous products. Their many benefits include resistance and being highly hygienic due to no scent being held inside with appropriate lid placement; Plastic containers provide an effective alternative to glass jars; they are resistant to impacts and chemicals or corrosives and yet cost much less. Which is the better choice?

25 June, 2024

Creative Package Aluminum Cans: A successful partner for Ugandan customers, customized quality leads the global market trend

Creative Package has recently entered an important collaboration with an established enterprise in Uganda by providing it with 100,000 top-grade aluminum cans. This partnership not only showcases Creative Package's production strength, but also shows its expertise in products packaging transportation and support customization.

24 June, 2024

PET plastic bottle preforms: a wonderful journey from raw materials to life

Plastic bottles have become a part of everyday life, from mineral water and beverages, shampoo, cosmetics and more - from mineral water to cosmetics - and it has made our lives much simpler. Yet behind each plastic bottle there lies an unsung hero: PET plastic bottle preforms. Let us uncover this mysterious process today by taking a peek behind their scenes, seeing how raw material becomes plastic bottles we use every day.

19 June, 2024

Revealed! Why plastic preforms have become the preferred packaging material for beverage manufacturers

Plastic preforms have quickly become the go-to material in modern beverage industry for product packaging, due to their cost effectiveness, production efficiencies and environmental sustainability benefits. This article will highlight these features as well as demonstrate its wide application in this area of beverage packaging.

18 June, 2024

Reveal the secret! Easily distinguish the quality of plastic products at home, and protect the health of your family starting from your choice!

So many plastic items on the market it can be difficult to identify which are of high-quality and which low quality so as to protect our health and wellbeing. Here are some practical methods and suggestions that may help identify what plastic products have pros and cons at home.

17 June, 2024

Unveiling the art of can bottle patterns: a gorgeous transformation from design to production

Cans are the go-to packaging choice for many beverages and foods, thanks to their lightness, good seals, and ease of transportability. When we pick up one, the colorful designs often grab our attention - but how are these patterns created? This article will reveal all the secrets of can pattern production!

13 June, 2024

Australian business elites visit and draw a new blueprint for cooperation

Recently, Creative Package welcomed two distinguished guests from Australia, this cross-border exchange event has brought new cooperation opportunities to our company.

12 June, 2024

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